ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: February 2008


Day 547 of 365 More. Steph was on a day trip with her mom today, so that gave me the whole day to get a bunch of stuff done. I went shopping for some Valentine’s stuff and then I came home and shot this weeks podcast. The show was great, not only was it the…


Day 546 of 365 More. Watching TV is weird. Tonight I was able to see a set of triplets who inspired me to want to write a blog entry. A 6 foot 4 man married to a 2 foot 9 woman who assures the interviewer (and home viewer) that the sex is amazing because due…


Day 545 of 365 More. Spent a nice relaxing evening with Steph tonight. We went to dinner. Went shoe shopping. And then came home and watched bad television. What could be more fun than that. That said, after she went to bed, I did watch a comedy special, My Buddy Bill, comedy writer Rick Cleveland’s…


Day 544 of 365 More. I had two photoshop heavy days in a row and I just didn’t have the energy left to do a third,so today it was back to just nice, good old-fashioned well lit studio portrait photography. It’s good to have something nice to fall back on. That said if you didn’t…


Day 543 of 365 More. So anyone who knows me, reads my blog or watched this weeks podcast(iTunes) probably knows that I am a life-long registered independent. I’ve never been registered as part of either American political party, and thus far, in 16 years of voting, I’ve never voted for a presidential candidate that had…


Day 542 of 365 More. It’s been quite a while since I did a superhero pic. I didn’t have a good idea for today, I figured it was a good day to bust out the old photoshop skills. Maybe I should do a tutorial about this kinda thing some day on the 365 Podcast. Of…


Day 541 of 365 More. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Plaxico Burress. Plax was gifted with much height and large hands and all the physical tools that one might look at him and expect that he’d be a top notch NFL receiver. Unfortunately, he had an IQ of slightly less than…

skating bw

A couple weeks ago, Tate Nations, master of skateboard photography, was nice enough to do a tutorial for the 365 Podcast which I cohost. During the same episode, I did a tutorial on shooting high contrast black and whites. Tate said he’d try my technique if I’d try some of his. So this weekend, I…

skating 2

A couple weeks ago, Tate Nations, master of skateboard photography, was nice enough to do a tutorial for the 365 Podcast which I cohost. During the same episode, I did a tutorial on shooting high contrast black and whites. Tate said he’d try my technique if I’d try some of his. So this weekend, I…

skating 3

A couple weeks ago, Tate Nations, master of skateboard photography, was nice enough to do a tutorial for the 365 Podcast which I cohost. During the same episode, I did a tutorial on shooting high contrast black and whites. Tate said he’d try my technique if I’d try some of his. So this weekend, I…


A couple weeks ago, Tate Nations, master of skateboard photography, was nice enough to do a tutorial for the 365 Podcast which I cohost. During the same episode, I did a tutorial on shooting high contrast black and whites. Tate said he’d try my technique if I’d try some of his. So this weekend, I…

skating 1

A couple weeks ago, Tate Nations, master of skateboard photography, was nice enough to do a tutorial for the 365 Podcast which I cohost. During the same episode, I did a tutorial on shooting high contrast black and whites. Tate said he’d try my technique if I’d try some of his. So this weekend, I…

King of Swords

King of Swords

I always love when i get the chance to work with someone who’s not a model. Most people seem to think that they don’t photograph well. But I think that given the right circumstance and concept, anyone can be great.

Doc is the bouncer at the Tennyson, and had seen some of the other tarot cards and was telling me how much he liked them. I looked at him for a moment and then knew that he’d be great for the King of Swords. He has just the kind of imposing and menacing frame that really suits what I wanted for this card.

The shoot was easy and straightforward and I think turned out exactly right.


Day 540 of 365 More. Don’t I look so pretty? Ok, maybe not. I bought a vanity, to use in one of my Tarot card shoots that is coming up. I was kind of wondering what I would do with it after its over though. But I kind of like it. I may just leave…


Day 539 of 365 More. One of the nice things about my life is having my own hottub. Anytime I’m feeling worn out, or my joints are feeling stiff or for whatever reason, I’m just too stressed out, all I have to do is come home, go on my back porch and jump in. That’s…