Day 571 of 365 More.
It’s the little things we take for granted. You know, little things like electricity. You’d be amazed at how much stff in the house doesn’t work when the power goes out. Sure, I mean, I figured the TV would be out. But you also lose the internet, and more importantly, your photography lights. That’s the one that stings right there.
So pretty much the answer is that for once I went to be early.
Yeah, sleep is a good time killer when the power is out. :o)
aww, that sucks! love the flashlight though, shows just enough~ like a tease!
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
Made a good pic though. Good thing your camera battery was charged up 🙂
Hope you guys stayed warm!
This is where your strobes would come in handy, 🙂
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Hi, I’m an admin for a group called [Age Of Decadence], and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
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LOL… Tate brings up a good point… but it wouldn’t have been as dramatic.
Seems like we both got what we needed last night. You just got your sleep forced on you 😉
@Sick Little Monkey: pretty much. My first inclination was to read… then I remembered I needed light for that too.
@*Kristene: thanks. Glad you like it.
@lrayholly: yeah. It kinda has a ghost stories feel to it. The power came on sometime in the middle of the night (hence my being able to post this in the morning) so we’re fine.
@shockingbird: ok, actually I could have used my 430ex. The stand was already set up for it. But I kinda liked this idea. It really said "black out"
@Michelle Brea: sure. Thanks.
@pinkgypsysoul: yeah, really I needed it. I’ve been working on way too much lately.
@Stephen Poff: yeah, I feel a lot better now.
ominous…. great stuff
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
@espressoDOM: thank you.