Day 601 of 365 More.
You know, I really don’t feel as bad as this probably looks like I do. Honestly, I’m just kinda mildly irritated.
First of all, my beloved Indians lost and ruined their perfect season. Hopefully they’ll bounce back. 162-1 ain’t bad.
Then I went to play poker. I’ve been on a pretty bad losing streak lately. But I had a great game tonight. In fact, I think I probably played better than anyone else. 11 players, and I ended up in third, mostly because another guy, who I’d never played before (and frankly he wasn’t even all that clear on the rules) ended up being impossible to read and caught a few lucky breaks. He ended up coming in second, which is a shame, as once I was out and could see his cards, I realized just how random he was playing. Who the hell folds King-Queen suited before the flop in heads-up hold’em when they have a heavy chip-lead? *sigh* Ah well.
Didn’t do any comic pages tonight. Should finish it up tomorrow though. In the meantime, I got a couple of the photos for book edited. No, they aren’t posted in my stream anywhere. Now you have an excuse to buy the book.
Only mildly irritated huh? Drama King! hehhehheh
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
I wish I understood poker….I should learn then what you said about the king in the suit jacket holding a texas chainsaw and offering a bag of chips to the queen would of all made perfect sense!!!! i hope =)
i like this shot and the light coming from behind… and btw the Indians are so getting a beat down from the Braves! hahah
@lrayholly: Yeah, mildly. It wasn’t THAT bad.
@disco~stu: actually, you can learn a lot just by watching it on TV.
@nicky’s_eye_view: sigh… yeah, I know.