ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: April 25, 2008

Fat Momma

Fat Momma

This is Fat Momma from "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" She was very nice. Apparently I look just like her brother. I happened to be walking by and she looked up startled thinking he was there. Apparently she’s one of like 10 kids and I look just like one of them. We talked for a while. Kinda cool.

#2 of 100 strangers.


Day 623 of 365 More. Now usually I don’t do this, but this once I just felt I had to. This picture is dedicated to Mikey. No particular reason. But I was at the con and I saw this girl wandering around and I knew I had to use it for my shot. Con was…

on comicon and cosmic hellcats…

4-23-08 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. If you haven’t been following 365mav (and you should be, as I write there everyday) you might not know that I wrote a comic book. Well I did. And Pittsburgh Comicon is tomorrow…. max1975 and I will be there selling the book and signing copies and stuff like that. The…