Day 628 of 365 More.
And on the 628th day, he rested….
I’m awake, really… but only barely. I had intended to work on quite a few things for the Cosmic Hellcats site today after work.
Intended to.
Instead, after dinner I sat down and fell asleep. Steph tells me she tried to wake me up several times to no luck. She finally got me up around 11:30, and because my brain works the way it does, I immediately realized that I still had to take a picture for today. But of what? All I’ve done since getting off work today is sleep.
So that’s what you get.
And I bet you by the time this finishes uploading I will have already fallen back aslzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….
eh sometimes you just have to recharge the battery, ya know?
You’re sleeping? Wow! It’s about time… I don’t think you’ve slept since when? Age 3?!
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
hehe night night mav {stu tip toes away}
@lacychenault: yeah… sometimes. Apparently not tonight though. It’s almost 6am.
@lrayholly: yep. And I’ll do it again in another 30 years.
@disco~stu: 🙂 Thanks.