ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: April 2008

Tom Savini

Tom Savini

Tom Savini is probably one of the most reknowned makeup artists and special effects guys around today. He’s actually a Pittsburgh local guy, when he’s not in Hollywood or on the convention tour. His table at comicon was set up right around the corner from me, and he seemed to have the raw animan magnetism that just kept sucking my Hellcats away. But what can you expect. I mean, the guy was Sex Machine!

#3 of 100 strangers.

Fat Momma

Fat Momma

This is Fat Momma from "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" She was very nice. Apparently I look just like her brother. I happened to be walking by and she looked up startled thinking he was there. Apparently she’s one of like 10 kids and I look just like one of them. We talked for a while. Kinda cool.

#2 of 100 strangers.


Day 623 of 365 More. Now usually I don’t do this, but this once I just felt I had to. This picture is dedicated to Mikey. No particular reason. But I was at the con and I saw this girl wandering around and I knew I had to use it for my shot. Con was…

on comicon and cosmic hellcats…

4-23-08 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. If you haven’t been following 365mav (and you should be, as I write there everyday) you might not know that I wrote a comic book. Well I did. And Pittsburgh Comicon is tomorrow…. max1975 and I will be there selling the book and signing copies and stuff like that. The…


Day 622 of 365 More. And breathe… That’s it. That’s all I can do. The comics are here. The graphic novels are here. The prints are here. The t-shirts are here. The con is tomorrow. Am I excited? Yes… Am I terrified? Yep, a little of that too. The thing is, I still expect something…


Day 621 of 365 More. It’s here. The debut issue of but I couldn’t be happier with the quality. It looks great and once again I’m excited about this whole thing again. I can’t wait til the standard edition gets here tomorrow. Sorry I’ve fallen behind on answering comments again. Some people have asked…


Day 620 of 365 More. Well, you know it must be spring because it’s time to mow the lawn again. Actually, I should have done this a week ago, but I was busy. And since I’ll be at Comicon all weekend I figured it was time I did something about the grass. So I did…


Day 619 of 365 More. So, on Sunday, Steph and I were watching Meet the Press and they showed a clip of Obama speaking about the political mudslinging between Hillary and himself. Obama’s response was a simple hand gesture. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. My vote normally goes to someone who is so…