Day 638 of 365 More.
Spent the day coloring the next episode of Hellcats. It’s not due up til Monday, so I’m ahead of schedule. Woohoo. If I can get Thursday’s episode done tomorrow, I’ll be in really good shape.
After I filmed the 365 Days podcast with Stephen and I tried to figure out what shot to do for today. Steph was watching Law and Order: Criminally Bad Acting. The suspect was a writer. They were looking at his headshot, ad they determined he was an author because of the pic. Why? Because he had his fist under his chin and "all authors do that, it hides the double chin." I thought about it for a moment, and they were actually write. That is totally the classic author pose. So I had my picture for today.
There, I’m a real author now. Now all I have to do is be seduced into a threesome by a homicidal lesbian madame and one of her callgirls and then framed for the murder of the callgirl by said madame and feel so distraught that I hang myself in my cell, after failing to do so twice. God that show is really bad.
Edited a couple Tarot Cards tonight. The first in a long time. Check them out.
"Law and Order: Criminally Bad Acting"
HAHA! I’m so glad someone else thinks that show is ridiculous. It’s so overdramatic. But my mom loves it and makes me watch it with her.
I see you’re wearing you podcast jacket. (Sport coat? Blazer? I know nothing about men’s clothing.) Looking snazzy!
seduced into a threesome by a homocidal lesbian madame……cripes that would certainly be a change of pace in my week….LOL
you’ve got that author pose nailed….great job
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Awesome write-up Mav! Absolutely hilarious. Criminally Bad Acting, indeed. My wife watches it and I can usually stay in the same room working on my laptop while she does. If she switches to CSI Miami, though, I’ve got to leave. NOBODY should be forced to watch David Caruso!
So THAT’S why they do that! I never knew, now I’m going to have to use that trick! Do I have to write something or can I just take pics with my fist under my chin?
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
You look like a pompus college professor! If you lower your chin and close your eyes a tad, you can convert it to your sexy look next time.
@like_shipwrecks: I actually like SVU a lot. Regular L&O is ok. But L&O:CI is just awful. Downright unwatchable. The really sad part is that I didn’t exaggerate the plot AT ALL! Anyway, glad you like the coat. I like when the girls thing I’m purty.
@disco~stu: change? really? I call that tuesday! Heh… I wish… And thanks.
@M i k e B: steph actually doesn’t like any of the CSIs at all, so I never have to watch that.
@lrayholly: well, according to the crappy tv show it is. I dunno. I never really thought about it before.
@musik48190: Nah, I’m pretty happy with how I did it, really.