ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: May 18, 2008



Day 646 of 365 More.

It really shows how busy I am when I can’t even find time to use my hottub. My back has literally been sore for like two weeks now. I knew that I need to soak in my hottub, but between work, 365, the podcast, Hellcats(which is now posted, by the way, so check it out), getting ready for art shows and comicons and trying to lead some kind of a life, I simply haven’t had the fifteen minutes to spare to get in.

Today all of that changed.

I finished tomorrow’s Hellcats early and got the podcast shot and uploaded for Stephen to edit. I really felt like I needed to get a jump on Thursday’s Hellcats, but there was a new Ninja Warrior tournament on tonight and Steph and I were planning to watch that together (I will someday conquer the demons of Mt. Midoriyama, this I swear). I was waiting for her to come home from her sexist book club and finally decided I’d had enough.

Oh god, I should have done this days. Ago. Fifteen minutes and I’m a new man.

If you don’t have a hottub, your life is hardly worth living.

365 days