ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: May 25, 2008



Day 653 of 365 More.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… or something like that.

Today was kinda productive, yet not very memorable. Finished yet another Cosmic Hellcats comic and got it posted. Mowed the lawn. Worked on some other stuff. Watched a movie. Nothing terribly interesting.

I had no good idea for a shot today, so I fell back on what all great artist do. I stole. I once had a professor who said "never borrow an idea, always steal. Because that way you make it your own." As such, I decided to steal a concept from the lovely and talented like_shipwrecks. I actually saw the shot and immediately knew I’d copycat it at some point. I just didn’t know it would be so soon. Oh well. Thanks for the idea, ‘Ship!

That’s about it for today, I guess. You want more of me, go read my comic. It’s funny.

365 days