Day 698 of 365 More.
I really need to work out more. I mean, I know I’m by no means fat. But I am not happy with how I look right now. This time last year I was in heavy work-out mode in preparation for Jammy Jam. This year I just haven’t had the time.
Steph and I did go swimming, so I guess that helps a little bit. Still I really need to get rid of that gut. I really need more hours in the day.
Lots of skin at this time of the day (night) in the 365days pool! Nice tats, and I love your "chiaroscuro" tag. 🙂
You must have typed that description really fast because it’s full of typos. And I can’t stand it.
Anyways, you look good to me. I was excited to see you in your undies. 😛
I think you look great. And check out those guns!
@.Nena.: thanks. I use that tag a lot, actually.
@jessi.: yeah yeah yeah… it was really late. 🙂 And yes, enjoy… I’m HOT!!! 🙂
@*Blue: 🙂 Thanks.