Day 714 of 365 More.
You know, when Steph left for DC I made a joke about showing me in the bachelor life, sitting around in my underwear and eating a TV dinner.
I think this is better.
Got to the hotel in New York. It’s quite nice. I love with hotels provide you with a terrycloth robe. There was one nicely displayed on the bed when I got in. And after a 10 hour train ride, the first thing I want is to jump in the shower and then wrap myself up in a terrycloth robe.
Oh the life.
Very pimp, Mav!
Nice pad! Are you in NYC?
Oh you are just spoiled rotten! Nice Digs ya got there!
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: yep. And now I’m sitting on the bed watching the Pimp Chronicles. Long Island, actually.
@lrayholly: yeah… every time I’m in a nice hotel I don’t want to leave.
Lovin’ this! 🙂 Looks fab.
I can’t believe we missed each other by such a short time.
Where’s the room service tray?
@PhotoKat: yeah… that kinda sucks… Did you ever get to try the restaurant I told you about?
@365bunnies: heh. I’m never much for room service. Steph likes it though, so maybe tomorrow since she’ll be here.
wassup? What brings you here to NYC? U should be at San diego!
wish I’m in San diego. But I’m stuck here in queens.
@excalipoor: heh… I’m in New York for a wedding. I wish I could go to San Diego comicon, but that’s still a bit expensive for me yet. Maybe next year. You and everyone else can help by reading Cosmic Hellcats every day, and voting for us on the vote buttons at the top of the front page. Also tell all your friends to do the same, and by all means, PLEASE buy the paper comics. The regular edition is only $5 ($32.95 for the special, portfolio edition), and if we can sell a lot of them, then maybe we can make the con next year. Tell all your friends. Tell them to tell their friends. Make us famous!
nice room.
thats a sweet hotel.
@DeHoll: thanks.
@spresogna: yeah… btw… I should certainly hope I’m being invited to the seedy one you were inquiring about.