Day 718 of 365 More.
A lot of people have been wondering where the 365 Days Podcast has been. Well, Stephen and I have both been busy with other projects and vacations and such, and essentially we just kind of ended up taking the month of July off, more or less.
Well, we’re coming back. We filmed a new episode tonight. Hopefully it’ll be online in a couple days.
You know, to take up all that tons of free time I have. *sigh*
Oh how do you like those lights? I have some S&V stuff and don’t use it often, looking at those boxes lately.
i was wondering what happened to the podcast… and now maybe i’ll have a last chance to participate one last time before i finish 365 🙂
@Chaparral [Kendra]: they’re not my BEST lights, but they’re really nice for the price.I end up using them a lot.
@☼ Helder: well, you could always keep going. 😛
YEAH!!!!! i was really missing the pod cast… to the point where i had to do my own theme week to keep going… yeah for black and whites…
but my pictures for the podcast this week might be a bit boring… all ive done this summer so far is work…
glad to hear you got a break though.
@darkredbeloved: well, hopefully the next one will be up soon. I uploaded the footage last night, so it just has to do with when Stephen has time to edit.