Day 761 of 365 Again.
Kinda didn’t feel like taking a picture today. Not for any reason really. I was just tired. Normally on Wednesday nights I’m scrambling to finish Thursday’s Cosmic Hellcats strip almost to the last minute. But I got most of it done last night and finished it before 9pm, so i had plenty of time on my hands, but for one I just really felt like I needed to relax and take some time to myself. It should have left me plenty of time to take a really interesting picture, but I wasn’t into it.
Instead, you will be treated to random feats of strength.
What you’re looking at here is me ripping a phone book in half. It is not a hoax. It is not a camera trick or photoshop special effect. That is in fact a real copy of the Pittsburgh yellow pages. The shots are direct out of the camera, unaltered, but for my combining them into one image. Pretty damn impressive, huh? i thought so. And see, that is why I wlll be such prime breeding stock. Look a me ladies, I’m a beefcake.
In closing, please check out todays Cosmic Hellcats I am particularly prod of the sight gag I used today. And read it everyday. And make all your friends read it. And write to Ask Sarah!. And give us money. And fame. And sex. And a pony. And the world will be a better place.
Very interesting!
Yowza! impressive indeed!
Good series… nice demonstration of physics principles. Feat of strength?
Pssst! Bet your mom could do it.
Yep! I’d use my trusty Laser Finger to rip that puppy in half! Just have a glass of water nearby to douse any unintentional flames. I’d demonstrate it for you, but you know how I hate to show off.
Back. Loved the strip! 😀
BTW… your link doesn’t work. Or at least it didn’t for me.
the real question is how you found out that you could do that.
lol, i’m with saylamarz: how did you found out that you could rip a phone book in half?!
man. i’ve been on a slump for 2 months. i still pictures everyday, but can u imagine how lame they can be when i post them up?
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
I’ve done that before. I have no photographic proof, though, and no video. Most people can do it if they know how to start the tear and keep it going, though I must say Mav did start tearing on a more difficult side.
Brute strength, or physics? Or both?
But as I retreat to my recent photos of pink and white flowers at 02:13 CDT I am all too calm, and weak. The idea of tearing a copy of Newsweek seems too much. Time for a shot of bourbon. If I can lift the bottle.
Or maybe I should just go to bed.
@Kali Shields: thanks.
@j o o b o o s: cool it worked.
@DeHoll: what physics? I am simply mighty!
@lrayholly: yep…. hating to show off. that’s you alright.
@SaylaMarz and @☼ Helder: what? Haven’t you ever tried? 😉
@excalipoor: the important part is just to keep at it.
@phlewght: why? Why does everyone dispute my brute strength?