Day 814 of 365 Again.
It’s my anniversary. Ten years ago today, Steph and I started dating. She actually asked me out on Halloween though she swears up and down that she had no actual interest in me and was just using me for my DVD collection.
Women are evil like that.
Anyway, ten years is a long time. Maybe it’s time to trade her in for a newer model. Eh. Maybe not. 🙂
On another milestone, I passed 400,000 views in my stream today. Thank you all.
Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)
Great big congrats to you and Steph!
and ppl told me that a DVD Collection was good for nothing. Congrats man on the killer dvd collection. …. Just kidding Congrats to you and Steph. great black and white.
Aww, Happy Anniversary you two!!
This is a lovely photo!
congrats and the ten years shows in that grey in the mustache
Congrats to both of you! Keep working at it!
pretty!! Cute!
thank you, everyone.
Congrats on ten years! I think she still might be using you for the dvd’s, though. Or the board games.
@sassyshannon999: oh, yeah, she totally is. I know that. 😉