Day 898 of 365 Again.
Ok, yes I am offcially sick as a dog. Today as horrible. I slept in til like 3. This is something I never ever ever do. But I really needed it. The only reason I even got up then was that I knew i needed to work on Hellcats. Thank god, that doesn’t require me getting up off my ass, because I barely have the energy to move. It was all I could do to carry the Nyquil into the studio to take this shot.
Blah, and I have to go to work tomorrow.
If I’m lucky, maybe I’ll die in my sleep.
That stuff gives me nightmares! Eat some garlic it kills everything!
I’m sorry you’re still feeling so bad… however, IF you had rested yesterday… Anyway, hope you get a good night’s sleep and feel like a live person tomorrow. I didn’t like the dieing in the sleep thing; much too depressing.
oh you do the red death version too eh? feel better soon mav…it’ll pass… I feel for you. I myself just went to the Dr last week. Got me some antibiotics and Mucinex and today I am about 90%.
hey when’s the guest strips comming up on the Hellcats site?!
i can’ wait for my 15 mins of fame 😀
@☼ Helder: in about 3 or 4 weeks. As soon as the current storyline is over and before the next one starts. You’re the only one who did one. I’m hoping to have at least two. I’ve been bugging SaylaMarz to get one done. I should ping StephenPoff again too.
Yep, it knocks you out good. Great shot.