Been thinking a lot lately about what’s really in my heart and in my head. Where I want my life to go. What I really want to do. I wish I could say that I’ve found some answers, but really, in a lot of ways, it’s just more questions.
I really need to figure my life out.
hawt. I love this concept.
wow great concept and excellent execution!
Outstanding shot.. This really makes me wanna learn ps
Very cool. I think I recognize those gears….
Make sure to keep the gears oiled. You know I love this one!
Awesome work man.
I pulled this photo up and my oldest son asked, "Is he a wrestler?" Guess you must be famous. >:)
Woot! Made Explore! Congrats!
@SaylaMarz: hehehe, are you straight yet? 😉
@MegaBee: actually, you probably don’t. They’re free stockimages I downloaded for it. I didn’t really like the look of my gear clock for this particular image.
@dramamath: cool. But I can’t imagine he’d actually recognize me, unless he’s like REALLY into indy tape trading.
@lrayholly: cool. That’s the first one in a while for me actually.
crazy, you have such mental creativity, very cool to see such varied work.
Awesome shot. The whole shredding yourself to get to the cogs of your inner workings is an excellent concept.
I *knew* you were a cyborg!