Day 913 of 365 Again.
What do you do when you don’t have any idea for the day? You practice your macro photography.
I pretty much wasted the night tonight. Wanted to work on Hellcats, I have a big one due on Thursday. So instead what did I do? I wasted my night blogging about Jessica Simpson. Exciting huh? Well, maybe, maybe not. Check it out and let me know.
I’ve been in a funk photowise lately. Haven’t done a shoot in over a month and haven’t had anything super-creative for 365 in a while either. Blah, I hope I get through this soon.
Creepy. But fun.
Weird and kind of disturbing. I like it.
Do you have a macro lens?
@MegaBee: Yeah, but I didn’t use it. This one was done with my macro filters on one of my standard lenses.
Put that thing away! You don’t know where that tongue’s been.
Wait — actually you do. 😛