Had my first photoshoot with Newt last weekend. In fact, it was the first shoot I’d done in quite a while. She hadn’t been modeling long and most of the stuff she had was very girl-next doorish. She was looking for something a little more glam and sexy. I guess I’m the goto guy for that.
In any case, I was pretty impressed. I think she more or less brought it.
More to come…
You definitely are the goto guy. Well done. I love the expression, attitude, lightning and composition.
Also, helps that the model is gorgeous.
Scarlet red , love the color with the famous Maverick black background!
That’s sexy!
Your photo’s been added to The Sexy Side of Flickr
The best of the set! Love the pose. The arching definitely brings the sexy. Although the bottom right shows a little dark, the lighting is great too.
Brilliant shot, great pose
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Glamour y Sensual, and we’d love to have this added to the group!
this is my fave from your sexy newt photoshoot – the pose is fantastic, and this is incredibly sexy without being tacky.
Seen in your photostream.
Best of her shots….hands down.