Day 976 of 365 Again.
So I had my call back audition today. I have no idea how it went. It was supposed to be really quick, just meeting the director at noon and then waiting to hear back. Unfortunately, I guess they were having issues on set, so the other prospectives and I basically sat around and waited for four hours while they settled it. I did get to stand around the set a little bit and even meet Nick Nolte briefly, and had some good conversation with the other hopefuls.
Eventually we met the director and essentially got to stand around with our shirts off while he looked us over… I’m such a dirty piece of meat. Of the five guys, I’d say I was in the third best shape. So I have no idea what that means. I guess I’ll find out sooner or later.
Then I got to go back to work and stay late finishing up all the stuff I should have been doing during the workday. Wheee….
Finally I came home and watched TV while doing Steph’s taxes for her. She won’t be back til this weekend. Blah… I’m bored.