Day 1012 of 365 Again.
The saga of the 50mm lens continues. Guess what’s broken? Yep. Tried to use it yesterday and discovered that the connection ring on it is all fucked up. So now I have to go through all the trouble of returning it and getting another one.
Maybe I should give up on photography and take up knitting or something.
Good pic!
Argh, maybe you’re cursing the rest of us. Mine is working in a questionable fashion also, sometimes the AF just won’t work at all and it occasionally makes terrible noises. Disaster!
mav – you’d only find bent knitting needles, and yarn that was a different colour than you wanted. 🙂 and photoshop wouldn’t help you there. 🙂
SaMedia: Thank you.
sara//snowlet: Yeah, it’s a great lens, but I think you have to look at it as disposable.
[AJ]: Hmmm… good point. Maybe I need to go even simpler. Like I could join the professional tiddlywinks circuit.
ooo ooo ooo! Can we do team tiddlywinks? I used to be pretty damned good!!!
lrayholly: heh. I don’t even remember how that game is played.
man that sucks!
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
r3g: yeah, but they were really cool about it. I called them this morning and they emailed me a fedex label. I’ve already dropped it off and will hopefully have it back next week sometime.