Day 1029 of 365 Again.
Welcome to mile marker 12.
You know, the reason I bought a new truck a couple years ago was that I was tired of having so many problems with my old one. I figured, "new vehicle! Only a year old! Hybrid! Everything will be great!" I should just stop thinking stuff like that.
I had a wrestling show. it’s in the Ohio, but only about 70 miles or so from my house, not really that far at all. But for some reason, my truck has now apparently decided to overheat on the highway. Starting when I was about 20 miles or so from the show. The gas engine would shut down and I’d have to stop and let it cool off for a couple minutes every 5 miles or so.
I let it cool down and got the rest of the way there. Wrestled and hung out with friends and then headed home. Cooling down at the show seemed to help. I drove maybe 30-35 miles and then it started happening again. So there I was. Every 5-10 miles I had to stop and wait for it to cool down.
Ugh, and Steph’s going out of town for a conference so it’s not even convenient for me to take it into the shop this week.
When are they inventing that teleporter device?