Day 1043 of 365 Again.
I took the day off today. I needed it. I wonder how one gets one of those snazzy jobs where they work like three days a week but still get enough money to get by.
Anyway, I slept in and then went to a local strip club, Cheerleaders, for a photoshoot with Miaa. And of course, if you get a rare chance to take photos in a strip club, you definitely want to take a photo of yourself there.
Yep, I got to sleep in and do a photoshoot in a strip club. Every once in a while, my life ain’t so bad.
Jack Scoresby: yeah… it was pretty fun. I’ve been stocking up on shoots for zivity. I need to get time to edit them all.
ummmm yeah, that’d be interesting Juneteenth material… yep, interesting
lrayholly: yeah, Like I said, I totally forgot.
Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan in Iraq: I don’t know what you hear about me. But a bitch can’t get a dollar out of me. I drive a Cadillac wear a perm cuz I’m a G. And I’m a mothafuckin’ P-I-M-P!
I hate you by the way! 🙂
Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan in Iraq: yo… don’t hayt the playa’! HAYT THE GAME!
How did I know you were gonna say that. I hope you…stub a toe or something *takes gulp of Haterade*
Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan in Iraq: heh… me and a friend of mine want to market an energy drink called Haterade!
We could serve it at our bar/studio
Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan in Iraq: fine by me. I actually have tons of plans. I just need money now.
amen lol
backalley brawler: 🙂
how did you get to shoot there? does she work there? i want!!!!
great shot. not sure if that’s your pimp-pose or your karate-kid-crane-pose. either way, it works for me 🙂
I’ll trade ya jobs. Though mine ain’t too bad. But, I’d love to sleep in and then get paid to take pictures in a strip club. That would work just fine for me.
spresogna: hah. Yeah, she works there so she was able to get us special permission, so long as we did it in the middle of the day, when the club is open and not many people were there, which is why I had to take off work. Couldn’t pass that up.
aprilzosia: Heh… it’s my "relaxing for a photo with a stripper in my lap" pose. Glad you like it.
BeguilingSunflower: well, it’s not my regular job, sadly. This was a special occasion.
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Striptease & Burlesque Female Only, and we’d love to have this added to the group!