Day 1044 of 365 Again.
Meet Eliana. Eliana is Steph’s niece. Today was her older brohter, Ethan’s birthday so we went over to hang out. We were having so much fun that I fell asleep on the couch. What can I say. I’ve been tired.
Anyway, Steph woke me up after about 30 min. of slumber to tell me to look at Eli. Apparently her older sister, Evelyn and her cousin McKenna decided it might be fun to facepaint her with magic markers. Eli at two, is apparently good natured enough (or maybe just not smart enough not) to oblige.
Anyway, she thought she looked great and I was amused enough and thought she was cute enough that I had to share my pic for the day with her.
This time next year everyone will be painting their nose red.
Aw man! I hope it’s not permanent marker (that’s the mother in me talking).
SaylaMarz: yep. Eli isn’t bad either. 😉
lrayholly: I thought it was sharpie at first, but then the kids told us it was just magic marker.
@Lynn: It’s "erasable" magic marker. Evelyn did ask her mother if it was ok before she drew on her, and mom agreed. And then Evelyn turned to my mom (who hadn’t said anything) and told her not to worry, assuring her that it’s erasable. Evelyn knows her grandmother well :-).
(like Lynn – the first thing I thought of was "uh oh! That’s gonna be really hard to get off!!!" And I had flashbacks of my own kids – we did a lot of scrubbing, LOL!!)