Day 1052 of 365 Again.
I like this picture. Actually I’m having a pretty good picture editing day. Got my first photoset of Miaa sent in to Zivity and accepted (I’ll post teasers here once it goes live) and this was just a snapshot I took of myself, by laptop light while I was working on tonight’s comic. But after processing it, I was like "wow, that’s really nice for a P&S" shot. At least I think so.
Of course I wish I was haivng that easy a time with the comic. This one was actually a bitch to color and I’m not super happy with it, nor do I really love the joke in it, but I guess it has to happen from time to time. I was really happy with last Thursday’s soI guess you win some and lose some. Anyway, check thta out and let me know what you think.
I love the lighting!
You’re right, this is excellent
this is great. I love the light and colour.
Sexy as hell!