Day 1081 of 365 Again. I hate trying to come up with journal entries for weekdays. Especially Mondays. Like really, I didn’t do anything of substance. I went to work and came home tired. Just like every day. Today was really warm so I went swimming for 15 whole minutes when I got home, but…
Day: July 27, 2009
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by mav • • 0 Comments
Today’s wistful career change decision:sex scientist. @saylamarz will be my co researcher. We need grant money to have sex and write papers.
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by mav • • 0 Comments
I should start doing gizmodo photoshop contests for daily pics. Some Inappropriately Sexy Gadget Ads – Photoshop Contest – GizmodoEverybody knows that sex sells. For this week's Photoshop Contest, I want you to make some gadget ads that take boring devices and give them some sexing up. You know, real classy like.