ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: July 2009


Day 1078 of 365 Again. I’ve had this pipe dream since I was a kid. I want to own a bar. Some people have dreams of going to space or being president. I want to own a bar. I can’t explain it. it’s just who I am. It makes sense to me. My friend Nelson…


Day 1077 of 365 Again. I’ve been meaning to process my hair for like two weeks now. Finally got around to doing it tonight. Honestly, this is probably of no consequence to anyone but me at all, but I thought it made kind of a cool picture. Mostly just because it gives me a chance…


Day 1076 of 365 Again. I love t-shirts. Usually offensive ones, but this one I just saw at Target and had to have. Would have been even nicer when I was unemployed. I would have worn it every day. i was thinking today about the struggle of the working class man. When I’m unemployed I…


Day 1075 of 365 Again. It’s another one of those days where I don’t have the slightest idea what I should do for a picture. Creatively, I’m tapped lately. At least as far as self-portraits go. Give me a break, it’s been almost three years. Anyway, I mentioned my lack of ideas to Morgan and…


Day 1074 of 365 Again. The $5 bin at Walmart is the best invention of all time. But the big question is, how have I gone all these years without having the Blues Brothers on DVD. Glad that oversight is now rectified. 365 days


Day 1073 of 365 Again. The weather was great today. I got Hellcats done early and I even got some shopping in. So what did I do with the rest of the day? I thought I’d teach Steph how to fly. I don’t think she quite has the hang of it, but she’s learning. Also,…