Day 1097 of 365 Again.
I didn’t really end last year big and I’m not really starting this year big. I just kind of had other stuff to worry about today.
Today was Steph’s birthday, and I had been sick, but I was determined to get over it so I could take her out, and through the sheer force of willpower (and a liberal amount of Dayquil) I was able to do just that.
We had a great time out at a nice hibachi restaurant with friends. Tomorrow back to normal life. Provided I can keep this flu down.
Sweet! Happy Day again to Steph!
btw – love the title of your new set!
I was wondering what you were going to name this album…sorry I couldn’t make it tonight. You have a better constitution than I do for sickness…as it’s been proven.
I know you complained about the pic being crappy and grainy, but I love it. That’s a real smile on her face.