Day 1098 of 365 Again.
Busy busy photography day. Got one set submitted to zivity, almost finished with another set to submit to them tomorrow, did a little editing on the Steph and Morgan photos that I took last weekend. Did an interview for a magazine, took my 365.
Sometimes I feel like this is an awful lot of work for a part time job with very little money being made, but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed.
Still feeling a little sick, but getting much better. At the very least tomorrow is Friday and no wrestling shows or shoots scheduled this weekend, so maybe I can get some rest.
Oh wait PAPA is this weekend (world championships of pinball). I haven’t had a chance to compete in that the last couple of years cuz I was always busy, but this year I’m free… Hmm….
No rest for the wicked.
Is this like the magician’s sword trick? I love these out of frame photos (don’t know what they’re really called). I have never been able to do these.
I hope you didn’t cut off your hand! (i think i’d notice, but i’m not a morning person)
ths is a great shot, chris 🙂 I’m so jealous of your editing skills.
haha great shot
thAT’S crazy! wonderful strem!