Day 1109 of 365 Again.
So I’ve spent the last couple months addicting Morgan to photography. Today we went out to buy her her first backdrop (these kids, they grow up so fast) She still really really really needs some lights, but it’s a good start.
Anyway, I needed to take a picture for today and hadn’t gotten around it it, but I… uh… didn’t have any makeup on and so I was afraid to be seen in front of a camera. This was my compromise. Morgan of couse thought that was hilarious and so she copycatted me while I wasn’t looking and waiting for the countdown timer to go off.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Girls are mean.
Badtz didn’t care about makeup 🙂
Dude, Badtz is PISSED.
@ MegaBee Badtz is with the band.