Day 1134 of 365 Again.
I used to love drawing. As much as I’ve been slacking on my photography lately I don’t even want to think about how much I’ve slacked on drawing. I really need to get where I practice every day. Same with writing. Same with photography. I just don’t have enough hours in the day.
But I decided to work on it tonight. This is me staring at the paper while chewing on the pencil and hoping that stuff would magically appear.
Not as easy as it looks.
I have the same problem with my trumpet. My chops are worthless right now. Must work on that…
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
Since you are the Admin for this group, I thought you might want to see this:
Please either step up and actually administer the group or relinquish those privileges to someone else.
Love the lighting, love the angle!
Not so thrilled with Mr. Admin. Police. WTF?