Day 1175 of 365 4 lyf.
When I was growing up, my mother taught me two important things about Halloween.
One, it’s one of the most important holidays of the year.
Two, never just go into the store and buy a costume. You have to be original and make your own.
This may not look like much, but trust me, it’s a Halloween costume.
Any guesses?
You’re a good son, grasshopper.
hmmmm, as to what it is… I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
Your mom rocks…and the last time I tried to make my own costume, I ended up looking like Charlie Brown’s costume.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
Is it Black Adam related, or do you just happen to be wearing that t-shirt?
sui66iy: the shirt is actually from Mage and it’s a coincidence
That was why I made Abbey’s Halloween costume. It’s easy to get one from the store!