Day 1224 of 365 4 lyf.
Wrestling show tomorrow. Different kind of match than I normally end up in. A bunkhouse brawl. Old fashioned 1984 style, come dressed as you are and beat up on everyone else match. Of course, if you’ve been watching my stream lately, you’d see that my "as I am" garb these days is pretty much jeans and a hoodie. It’s damn cold in Pittsburgh. But that doesn’t make for the best showmanship.
So I settled on denim jeans, a tanktop and my hooded flannel. Tomorrow I kick some ass.
Hey, how the heck have you been! Planning to kick some ass, I see. 🙂 Jill! It’s been forever! Actually the match is already over. I’m editting photos from that now. They’ll be up within the hour. I hope things are going good with you. Miss seeing you around these parts.
I’m pretty sure I have that exact hoodie.
Dig the tough!