Day 1244 of 365 4 lyf.
Oh yeah, I’ve so been waiting for this:
We, the undersigned, constituting the Return Board of the County of Allegheny, do hereby certify that at the Election held on the third day of November, 2009, Chris Maverick was duly elected to the Office of Judge of Election in Pittsburgh – Ward 29 District 8 in the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Witness our hands and seal on this 23rd day of November, 2009.
That’s right, bitchez! I am the Law!
Well, ok, actually I’m the polling place watchdog. But hell, you have to start somewhere, right?
I am a judge of boobs and butts, but I never got my certificate.
LOL @ Brig! Good Job Mav!
sniff sniff… I’m such a proud Mommy
So basically you’re the Katerine Harris of Pittsburgh, right?
mickeyjohnson: Honestly? I’m not even that powerful. And it’s not all of Pittsburgh, it’s literally just Ward 29, District 8.
You know how when you go vote there’s the people (usually very old) who check your id and check the names off the list and tell you which booth to go vote in. Well, I’m in charge of them for my voting place.
Congrats, dude!
awww. you’re just the clerk. But hopefully this is just the first steppingstone to real power. The kind you can abuse for personal gain!
mickeyjohnson: No, I’m not even the clerk. The clerk has to like count and keep records and stuff. If I understand it correctly, I’m mostly the babysitter for the machines. I’ll know more once I actually get trained I guess.
oh no
you’ve joined the farce!!!
wonder if we can get models to do a shoot at a voting poll
location photos
that would be a wonderful abuse of power!