365 Days, Imported From Flickr 1-16-10 by mav • January 16, 2010 • 7 Comments Day 1254 of 365 4 lyf. Sigh… I hate when I have a good idea that will never be very popular on flickr. Oh well. So pop quiz for the photographers out there, who knows what’s going on here? It’s actually cooler than it probably looks. 365 days Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrRedditMoreLinkedInPocketEmailPrint Related
Looks like you’re shooting through something; what, I have no idea. But it really looks pretty cool; kind of a spooky effect. The lighting is great!
Reflection in something black and shiny?
Shooting through a stocking that’s stretched over the lens?
Wait a minute. There’s no EXIF data from the lens. Did you make a pinhole cover for your camera?
the winner is Jameel.
Though I actually meant to wipe the EXIF so that no one could figure out that way.
bah, I guessed that without even looking for EXIF.
@Wooble: The reverberation around the black spots is what made me suspect pinhole. The EXIF data was a confirming factor.