ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: January 2010


Day 1240 of 365 4 lyf. Amaya was busy with other people New Years night, but told me she wanted to hang out sometime soon. So we did that today. Girls night out. Well, in really. A fun night of drinking and playing wii games followed by a late night dinner at Tom’s Diner. Me…

Four of Cups – yi 1

Four of Cups - yi 1

Ok, brand new tarot cards. Well, replacement ones.

The rough thing about the Tarot Project is that since it’s taking me so long, I tend to change my mind about ideas from time to time, which in turn means it takes me even longer since I have to redo certain cards.

I’ve grown unhappy with my theme for the fours (blind) and so I’ve decided to redo all of them. I realized I didn’t have water represented, so that’s what they’re going to be now.

So I shot with Yi the other day for some zivity photos and for the tarot set and I came up with two possibiliites I kind of like for the new four of cups. So I need to know from all of you. Which one is better?

the other version

Four of Cups – yi 2

Four of Cups - yi 2

Ok, brand new tarot cards. Well, replacement ones.

The rough thing about the Tarot Project is that since it’s taking me so long, I tend to change my mind about ideas from time to time, which in turn means it takes me even longer since I have to redo certain cards.

I’ve grown unhappy with my theme for the fours (blind) and so I’ve decided to redo all of them. I realized I didn’t have water represented, so that’s what they’re going to be now.

So I shot with Yi the other day for some zivity photos and for the tarot set and I came up with two possibiliites I kind of like for the new four of cups. So I need to know from all of you. Which one is better?

the other version