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Announcing “Black and Light”

I’ve been looking forward to writing about this one for a while. Way back in January of 2008, I was invited to participate in an art show based around the concept of light. I came up with an exhibit that featured photographs of high-key black and white photos so overexposed that all but the most important details of the subject were washed out and only the key details remain alternating with heavily shadowed chiaroscuro photos in color with intense shadows. 

It was a hit.
After the show I continued to experiment with both forms on occasion over the last two years. It was as much a learning experience on the nature of the usage of light in photography as it was a form of artistic expression. 
Anyway, as I worked on both styles and people began to see the results I began to realize they might make an interesting coffee table book collection similar to original exhibit I did the first set for. 
This is that book.
The book contains 68 pages of photos and is available in three styles. A softcover, a hardcover with ImageWrap and a premium hardcover with dust jacket, all available from my bookstore. I tried to do something unique with the book. I like to think of it as a yin yang, light leading into dark and dark leading into light. It has two front covers and no back cover, meaning it can be read in either direction. Like light and darkness they are two sides of the same coin. There is no end. One side has a foreword written by Dave Wood, an introduction written by me, and features a succession of the light images. The other side features a foreword written by Michael Dunn, a second introduction written by me, and features the dark images. All of the included images are artistic nudes featuring Elseworld models Sarah, Trix, Megan as well as several others.
I’m quite proud of it. So if you’re a fan of my work, stylized photography, or just like seeing pretty, naked people then I hope you consider buying a copy. And if you do, then please let me know what you think. I’d love to hear.

2 comments for “Announcing “Black and Light”

  1. Michael Dunn
    September 20, 2010 at 9:47 pm


  2. Chris Maverick
    September 20, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    Thanks for the help with it!

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