You know what sucks? When your favorite model starts working at her day job like 947 hours a week and she doesn’t have as much time to shoot with you anymore.
That’s what happened with me and Trix. She ended up doing so much overtime that she didn’t have as much time to do random photoshoots at the drop of a hat.
But that’s the great thing about the Zivity chat room. I logged in one night and Trix was there pouting about how we never had time to shoot together. And I said “Well, pick a time” and she said “well, I’m not busy now.”
So I grabbed some lights and my camera and drove over to her apartment at midnight to see what we could come up with.
We started out just playing with lighting setups and her posing on the bed. And then I happened to notice the shadows that were being cast behind her from my key light. THAT’S IT! I killed the fill light I had been using (that’s snazzy, technical photographer talk there, exciting huh?) and we were in business.
So please check out Shadow Puppets and let us know what you think. Hopefully I won’t have to wait a few months just to shoot her again.
More preview photos after the break.
More preview photos from Shadow Puppets.
See the full set on Zivity.
sweet, hopefully i’ll remember to check it out when im awake