Listening to Steph on the phone trying to explain to her parents how to use their iPad is just adorable.
Day: January 6, 2012
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by mav • • 0 Comments
you know, I usually don’t repost stuff like this one, but I’m a true believer, so think I have to…. 90% of Facebook users won’t repost this. They are too afraid to stand up for the truth in today’s secular world. But when Odin sent Thor to slay the frost giants, he was thinking of…
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Day 6: 1-6-12
by mav • • 4 Comments
Day 6 of the New Era
Ok, things are starting to look a little better. Let me explain some of the stress. Basically, I’m losing my job at the end of the month. I’m a contractor, and I’ve kind of known it was coming but thought I’d have a little longer. Nope, guess not.
In any case, I have another gig lined up to start the next week. Still need to sign the contract, but barring something really out of the ordinary, I’m fine there. But that job is only going to be 1-2 months, and after that I have nothing lined up.
But I also decided that I wanted to go to grad school. Actually, I decided that a long, long time ago. But when I found out I was losing this job, I decided that I want to try to go this fall. So now, instead of taking months to a year to get all my ducks in a row for the application, I am reducing the whole process to 7 days. I take the GREs on Tuesday. I now have all reference letters farmed out. So all I have left is finishing my application and finishing my writing sample.
Basically, I’m cramming for everything, just like a real student. Hopefully if I can get in, I can get away from that practice.
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by mav • • 0 Comments
Today’s Wistful Career Change Decision: Magic-powered biker with heart of gold who waterski jumps over sharks. Or Potsie. Potsie rocked!
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by mav • • 0 Comments
Ok, @StephenAtHome’s “The Wørd” tonight may have been the best one ever. “I won’t deflower your wife, but Pres. Gingrich?” #ColbertReport