The really awesome thing about ebooks is that when you’re up at 4am making last minute changes to your Feminist Studies paper that is due tomorrow afternoon and you decide you want to add a certain quote you can search for it rather than trying to just remember where it is.
The really sucky thing about ebooks is when you want to search for a word like say “sex” in a book on feminist studies. Like the quote you’re looking for is about the act of sex. You know… people “doing it.” But it turns out feminist scholars use the word sex A LOT to mean a bunch of different things. To feminists, the word “sex” is like the word “smurf.”
So I hereby propose that from this point on the word “sex” be reserved in all academic contexts, to mean the biological condition of being male or female and nothing else.
If you would like to reference the activity deriving mutual pleasure through genital contact in your academic writing, I propose that it hereby be referred to by it’s proper name: “Fucking”