High school is a lot like prison: Bad food, high fences; the sex you want, you ain’t gettin’, the sex you gettin’, you don’t want.
So the news had this story on about a fight in a local school. Now I’ve been to high school. It was a long time ago, but I think I more or less still remember how it worked. Apparently “it was on.” And a fight broke in a class room and punches started flying and as is the high school way, all the other students crowded around and started chanting and cheering it on.
Anyway, unlike back in my day where you just had to be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to witness the beatdown, or it had to be planned in advance so that everyone knew to show up in the field behind George Daniel Stadium to see someone get his ass kicked (AKHS Represent!) These days, you just wait for someone who was there to post the cell phone footage to youtube or Facebook! Yay technology!
So anyway, that happened, which of course means, now there is a evidence so people got suspended and such, and now they’re looking at what disciplinary actions to take on the crowd who was egging the student on. I so don’t think I could survive high school in the 21st century.
Anyway, here’s the part that I don’t get. The mother of the “victim” (which is what they call you these days when you lose the fight) is saying that the attack was racially motivated because the kids in the video kept calling the kid “silky!”
I had to look it up. Apparently “Silky” is a derogatory term for white person.
You know you’re old when you don’t even know the racial epithets anymore.