Hey, I’m as much of a sarcastic asshole as this guy! I totally have to start blogging regular again so that I can become a neat reforwarded internet meme.
The world needs my customer service scam plays!!!
Hey, I’m as much of a sarcastic asshole as this guy! I totally have to start blogging regular again so that I can become a neat reforwarded internet meme.
The world needs my customer service scam plays!!!
Just wait until my kids are old enough that I have to start interacting with people like this.
I love his style.
This is just bomb-diggity awesome!
Do it!!!!!
I totally should have done this that time they told Drew the Holy Bunny of the Resurrection story and gave me a fit.
/me shrugs. Seems like a lot of wasted effort, if this isnt actually true. I found the first couple exchanges humorous but after that it just seems meh and drawn out to the point I stopped believing this to be an actual exchange.
If it is real, the administrator was either egging the author on or just dumb to continue the diatribe.
This is an excellent example of how non-religionist folks can be just as awful as the religionists. A terrible person is a terrible person.
I’m 99% sure it’s fake. And yes, he is being an asshole. But being an asshole is fine when it’s funny. As for why do it? The same reason I keep the customer service scam people on the line for so long when they call me.
This guy sounds like a handful. Talk about misplaced energy. Why send your kid to a religious school then? TGIF!
This is the guy’s blog: http://www.27bslash6.com/
The ‘foggot’ and the ski shop stories are probably my favorites.