This guy makes a great point. I *HATE* the idea that “everybody is beautiful.” It’s disingenuous. I’m not sure I’m 100% with him, but I do think he opens an interesting discussion.
Part of it is I don’t like the insinuation that the media “creates” beauty. Not only is it a gross simplification, but it just stinks of sour grapes. The writer here is right, we don’t say “everyone is athletic to someone.” I always like to compare it to intelligence. Everyone has a brain. And on an individual level, different people’s intelligence appeals to us differently. Everyone can work on improving their brain, but to say that some people aren’t just substantively more intelligent than others just sounds ridiculous.
Does that mean you can’t feel pretty or happy with yourself if you aren’t the most beautiful? No, of course not. I’m not the world’s greatest basketball player either, but I try my best and I love it when I win. And if you don’t want to play basketball? Well, fine. No one is forcing you.
But the Dove ads REALLY bother me. Yes, theses are attractive women, but they’re completely disingenuous. Two reasons. Yes, they’re all attractive women. Yes, they do differ in size and skin color. NO you can’t look like this. Even the heaviest of these women has great skin. All of them have very symmetric features. No one is scarred, or deformed. Plus sized models are models for a reason. And buying Dove soap will not turn you into one. (Which is what the ad is REALLY trying to do).
So no, not everyone is beautiful or smart. And yes, the media does pray on our insecurities about beauty, but no, it doesn’t create them. Why does art school exist? And design school? And fashion school and beauty school. Because aesthetically some things look better than others. Does that mean they ARE better, no… but they look better.
And pretending they don’t is not empowering. It’s diminishing.
Every two or three days, I see an article or blog post or forwarded inspirational quote about beauty. It’s usually something affirming like “You are beautiful, whether you know it or not.” “We are …
I am not sure that “everyone has value”, but I agree with sentiment.
Vic: Sure… saying “everyone” is always going to be problematic, because it’s a simplification. Hitler had “value.” or… well, yeah, what Moose just said…
I don’t like the idea of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle, and I definitely don’t like the way the term “fat” is used today. There is a trend to defend “fat” people, as if there is some conspiracy to force people into a certain standard. While I would agree, there is a certain level of disregard for people who don’t meet a certain standard, and no one has the right to make someone else feel like crap just because of appearance, pushing for some sort of universal acceptance doesn’t seem right either.
Self esteem aside, there are a multitude of health issues related to obesity, so I think there needs to be a better way of pushing people in the right direction, without forcing some ridiculous standard of “beauty” on them. Not everyone can be a model, but the pendulum shouldn’t swing too far in the other direction.
I think if you can instill a level of self worth in people, you can find a norm that is healthy both inside and out.
Well of course it is never that simple. But having a healthy lifestyle(which is much of what the argument against being fat seems to hinge on), is definitely preferred than an unhealthy one. And you are statistically more likely to be fat if you are not exercising and eating properly. Just because some people are “big boned” and more or less “healthy” does not negate the increased potential for poor health associated with being so. Even if it is one of the symptoms and the cause is a sedentary, over processed, nutritionally deficient existence, and not the cause, it is still something to look at and take heed of.
Well the opposite end of the spectrum is no good either LOL. Balance is key.
I am a little overweight, and I eat a decent diet as well as walk like a mofo. However, since I suffer from seizures I am on a med that contains a steroid. I have lifted and run and walked for several years to almost no avail. The fat keeps getting the best of me, and worse yet, the meds also cause fatigue and drowsiness.
I try to be regularly active but sometimes it’s very hard. My doctors told I have an extremely healthy body. But the weight is something I may not be able to do anything about for the time being.
Oh believe me, I do… Or I did until recently when I threw out the old back… I need to see a chiropractor… And then I can resume.
Just an FYI, I sprained my lower back several years ago, had several instances where I was stuck on the floor for several weeks. Got a MUCH firmer bed and a very lower back friendly chair, helped immensely.
Unfortunately I can’t change the chair at work where I do most of my sitting. I sleep on the floor, as I feel most comfortable there. Also I think it’s my lower spine because while it’s normal to have one leg slightly longer, my left leg is almost an inch or more so. I believe my spine is not in complete alignment.
I started not using chair backs, ala stools for my art table, and feel so much better. I am thinking of trying a standing art table eventually.
I am amused that you (Moose) still call Mav “Llama”. it’s what, like 25 years now? that is DEDICATION to a nickname.
Yeah and none of those chicks are morbidly obese!
I wanna see some fat rolls and cellulite and dimples in that picture. Otherwise it’s false advertising! Lol
I didn’t have time to read the previous comments or the article. it’s late and a long day. Maybe I’ll read it tomorrow. Here are my 2 cents (for what it’s worth) countering what Mav said. Beauty is from within. what that within is confidence. For a woman, or a man, to bare and reveal themselves and truly be comfortable in their own skin…THAT is beauty. It is opinion. Media can’t create it. The average joe can’t oppose it. What I find beautiful may be different than what somebody else finds beautiful. I think that is what Dove was trying to create. Different women, different opinions of beauty.
What I like about the “everyone is beautiful” is 1) yea, I admit it makes me feel better about myself 2) it makes me appreciate the things about myself that are attractive and 3) if everyone is beautiful then no one is beautiful and we can move on to more interesting things.
I think the sentiment is that beauty is not binary. I guess I agree and disagree with everything. 🙂