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Category: 365 Days


Day 1335 of 365 4 lyf. You know, I was almost caught up. Oh well… It was a particularly clear night and I was intending to take a picture of me looking up at the stars. But I only had my point&shoot with me. Oh well. 365 days


Day 1333 of 365 4 lyf. You know, I was almost caught up. Oh well… Another 3D movie. I guess we’re just not making them in 2D anymore. Steph and I went and saw the remake of Clash of the Titans. A lot has been made of the fact that Clash wasn’t filmed in 3D.…


Day 1332 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Almost there…. Steph and I went out to go see Clash of the Titans after Easter Dinner. We bought the tickets and THEN the cashier told us that it wasn’t the 3D version. Luckily, they let us return them. But seriously, who’d want to see that…


Day 1331 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Almost there…. Ugh… so many shoots. So much comic stuff to do. Today was just one of those days where I sat on the couch and worked. Soon I’ll be caught up. Oh god, I hopt so. 365 days


Day 1330 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Almost there…. Had my second shoot with Christy today, and she brought her makeup artist, Alicia, to help out. Got some good stuff too. I’m so behind on editing shoots at this point it’s not even funny. 365 days


Day 1329 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Almost there…. So the reason i’ve fallen so far behind on posting is that I’ve been devoting a lot of my effort into getting the comic ready for Pittsburgh Comicon. A big part of that was a pledge drive to get the book printed. We needed…


Day 1328 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Almost there…. Job interview today. If nothing else, it’s a good excuse to get out of the house and even wear some of my nice clothes for a change. Normally I’d say that I’m excited about the interview and hoping for the best, but since I’m…


Day 1327 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Steph and I try to go out to dinner at least once a week. She came to me all excited the other day that she’d heard about this place "Tom’s Diner" that’s supposed to be good and we should try it. Ummm, I’ve even at Tom’s…


Day 1326 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… So the big secret with Cosmic Hellcats is that we’re introducing a whole team of new characters soon. So I’ve been scrambling to put the finishing touches on that, which includes taking photos of the real life models that the characters are designed around. Today we…


Day 1325 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… I’ve been playing with the program Brushes on the iPhone lately. It’s pretty cool. Is it as good as sitting in front of Photoshop or Manga studio on my mac with a nice big flat screen monitor and my wacom tablet? Well, no. But it is…


Day 1324 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… People have been on me to write in my blog more. You know, I really should. I even have a topic in mind. As soon as I get caught up and have some time I’m going to do it too. And when I do, I’ll need…


Day 1323 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Steph and I have been catching a lot of movies lately. It’s nice. Tonight we went out to see Hottub Time Machine. It was quite funny, actually. I always enjoy a nice 80s flashback, and that John Cusack, he’s so dreamy. Ummm… never mind. 365 days