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Category: 365 Days


Day 1245 of 365 4 lyf. Ok, to whoever likes snow. To whoever complained about the last couple of winters being too mild. To whoever complains about it being cold in the southern United States. To whoever wrote the songs "I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas" and "Let it Snow." To whoever even invented the…


Day 1244 of 365 4 lyf. Oh yeah, I’ve so been waiting for this: We, the undersigned, constituting the Return Board of the County of Allegheny, do hereby certify that at the Election held on the third day of November, 2009, Chris Maverick was duly elected to the Office of Judge of Election in Pittsburgh…


Day 1243 of 365 4 lyf. It’s still January and it’s still cold. Ugh. So cold in fact that I had to go out and get myself a ski mask to keep warm. I think it’s hella cute, but Steph keeps telling me that I shouldn’t wear it out, especially if I go into a…


Day 1242 of 365 4 lyf. The worst part about taking a vacation is coming back. I had a week and a half off but that ended today. Work wasn’t bad or anything like that but it was SO exhausting. I was completely wiped by like 1:30. Got home and immediately took a nap. Maybe…


Day 1240 of 365 4 lyf. Amaya was busy with other people New Years night, but told me she wanted to hang out sometime soon. So we did that today. Girls night out. Well, in really. A fun night of drinking and playing wii games followed by a late night dinner at Tom’s Diner. Me…


Day 1238 of 365 4 lyf. One last day of 2009. Steph and I didn’t really make plans ahead of time because we were way more focused on our vacation, so instead we’re heading out to dinner and then some bars. See you all next year. 365 days


Day 1236 of 365 4 lyf. So yeah, I still don’t really like the winter. It’s just way too damn cold, but there are some things that you can do that are just fun. I mean, you just can’t make snow angels down south. Do you think the trade off is worth it? 365 days


Day 1234 of 365 4 lyf. Welcome to Parasol’s. One of the nice thing about being a Steelers fan, is that no matter where you go, there’s a Steelers bar within a stones throw that you can go to and watch the game with likeminded individuals. This is Parasol’s. One of New Orleans more intelligent…


Day 1233 of 365 4 lyf. Steph and I left Mississippi today and headed back to New Orleans to spend the weekend there. I booked us in my favorite hotel, the Embassy Suites. I’ve always loved staying there. Nice huge rooms. HDTV, comfy bed, complimentary cooked to order breakfast and free happy hour. It might…


Day 1232 of 365 4 lyf. Merry Christmas from the Mavericks. We had a good time at my brothers and then Steph and I went back to my mom’s house to help her set up her new Wii that we (and my brothers) got her for Christmas. Yes this is another picture that my mom…


Day 1231 of 365 4 lyf. My mom bought my nephew a tricycle for Christmas. The problem with buying such things is they come in pieces. So while I thought Steph and I were just going over to hang out on Christmas Eve, it turns out that there was work to be done. Not a…