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Category: 365 Days


Day 1200 of 365 4 lyf. Sometimes you have to love technology. This picture wasn’t taken with my macro lens on my DSLR. It wasn’t even taken with the macro setting on my point and shoot. I almost never do straight out of camera, the quality on a simple shot directly out of my iPhone…


Day 1199 of 365 4 lyf. There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that I had a great weekend. I got a new tarot card shot. I got to hang out with some of my best friends on both Satuday and Sunday night. Got some quality drinking and relaxing in and basically…


Day 1198 of 365 4 lyf. So I take a lot of studio shots for 365s, but a lot of them are lazy really. Standard lighting. Just go in there and shoot against the backdrop. Save to computer. Minimal editing. Upload and done. This may look like that to casual eye, but it’s really so…


Day 1197 of 365 4 lyf. How did we exist in this world before bluetooth? I honestly don’t remember. I find it really hard to work without background noise, so I tend to keep my headphones on and listen to my iPhone the entire day at work. The only problem is that the wire gets…


Day 1196 of 365 4 lyf. You know what today is? Today is day 100 of year four of this project. Pretty funny when I didn’t think I’d make it two weeks, huh? Funny thing is, I didn’t realize that until just before I took this picture. I’m not even dressed up for it. I’m…


Day 1195 of 365 4 lyf. I go through phases. Sometimes I’m dieting and working out like crazy. Then I get lazy and I gain all the weight back. The last couple weeks I’ve been in crazy mode. It’s not working fast enough. I really have to get to taking better care of myself long…


Day 1194 of 365 4 lyf. Ok, time to pimp another cool iPhone app. Urban Spoon. IPRettu simple really. It gives recommendations for places to eat based on where you happen to be standing. But the new iPhone 3GS version is awsome. Striaght our of science fiction. Basically you can go into scope mode, which…


Day 1193 of 365 4 lyf. I should have thought of this one a long time ago. One of my signature moves in wrestling is the superkick. It’s a very simple and yet very effective move. Here’s how it works. Stand facing your opponent, then lift your leg up bending the knee, and thrust kick…


Day 1192 of 365 4 lyf. First off, the less said about today’s football game, the better. Anyway, I’ve been ripped off! In my right hand you see an episode of Cosmic Hellcats, the finest comic to ever grace the web. Well, the finest one which I write anyway. In particular, you see the 11-2-09…


Day 1191 of 365 4 lyf. I started playing tennis for Steph. Despite the fact that like the best two tennis players in the world are black, it’s really not one of "our" sports. I never really played growing up. But it is fun. We don’t get to play as ofter as we used to,…


Day 1188 of 365 4 lyf. No real story on this. I was working on tonights which involved one of the characters having the ability to throw lightning. I decided it might be cool to do that myself. But then I remembered. I’m like supposed to be a photoshop wizard ot something. Well, it…


Day 1187 of 365 4 lyf. This is so weird. I could swear I posted this last night but this morning it wasn’t there. I guess I was tired. Anyway, I didn’t really have a good shot idea, and then I thought, oh well… macro photography day again. Only, I just checked, and I haven’t…


Day 1186 of 365 4 lyf. You know the only thing that sucks about the Steelers beating the Broncos tonight? The Broncos already lost last week, so we didn’t get the honor of breaking their undefeated streak. Oh well. A win is a win. 365 days