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Category: 365 Days


Day 1170 of 365 4 lyf. I do this shot every year. Whenever I get the new Smackdown videogame, the first thing I do, much like any other indy wrestler is make my own character and put myself in the game. I spent the whole day doing this. In fact, I didn’t even actually "play"…


Day 1169 of 365 4 lyf. Steph’s been sick the last week or so but is finally feeling better, which is goog because it meant that she’d sit in for a picture with me. Basically did nothing but work today. But I did find some new photoshop actions to test and play witih. So like…


Day 1168 of 365 4 lyf. Way back when i was unemployed and first getting into this project, one of my favorite things to do was take pictures in different locations. Using neat scenery. As time went on, I kind of fell out of that. No time to go anywhere, no energy to be inventive.…


Day 1167 of 365 4 lyf. The butler did it. Ok, actually it was the court sternographer. But it shouldn’t have been. Tonight, Steph and i went on a murder mystery cruise with her mother. Steph loves murder mysteries, so she was really excited about it. I was pretty sure that I had discovered the…


Day 1166 of 365 4 lyf. I was invisible. I used to be popular. I haven’t been nearly as popular as I used to be in a long time. Part of it is phoning in most of my 365s. Part of it is not having the time to comment on other people’s photos as much.…


Day 1165 of 365 4 lyf. Arthritis. Getting old sucks. Except it’s not even being old. My knuckles have frozen up ever since I can remember. Honestly, people cracking their joints on purpose may be one of the most annoying habits on earth. But that said, it really sucks when you’re just sitting there typing…


Day 1164 of 365 4 lyf. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Yay shopping! Went to Barnes and Noble today. That building is way to fucking dangerous. We actually just went in to get a present for Steph’s brohter’s birthday. I left having spent $80 on myself. I swear, I didn’t mean to. I have no idea what…


Day 1163 of 365 4 lyf. I wanted to go out tonight. We were planning on going to see Steph’s cousin’s band play at a local bar. But she hasn’t been feeling well, so that meant another evening at home. Oh well. Hope she’s feeling better soon. 365 days


Day 1162 of 365 4 lyf. This pictures has nothing to do with anything really. Just came home from work and thought, it’d be awesome to do a picture putting my hoodie up over my head. And well, yeah. I think it is. In any case, at least its the weekend. There’s never enough of…


Day 1161 of 365 4 lyf. Was planning on doing something exciting tonight for a photo since I "phoned it in" yesterday. But I was really tired when I got home from work. AGAIN! Like I said before, work is bad for your health. I mean, my job isn’t even "bad." I’ve had bad jobs.…


Day 1160 of 365 4 lyf. Ok, yeah. I know no one cares about the app and my silly little iphone pictures, but I’m totally fascinated by it. There’s so little you can do with it, and I’m obsessed with trying to make it as cool as possible. Ok, maybe tomorrow I’ll try to…


Day 1159 of 365 4 lyf. I am moved by fancies that are curled Around these images, and cling: The notion of some infinitely gentle Infinitely suffering thing. Booze, sex, prayer, whatever gets you through the night. Is it a problem that the basis for my entire sense of morality is a comic book from…


Day 1158 of 365 4 lyf. Yes, it’s a cameraphone picture. But I swear, it wasn’t done out of laziness. I just wanted a chance to use Photoshop on my iPhone. It may not be a DSLR. It may not be a 300mm ƒ1.2 lens. It may not be high art by any means. But…


Day 1157 of 365 4 lyf. Yawn… Yesterday was rough. Traveling wears me out, and I got in really really late. That means today I woke up late. Just in time to make breakfast for my friends and watch the Steelers game, which we won. But the rest of the day I was just dead…


Day 1156 of 365 4 lyf. Morgan was booked on an all women’s wrestling show in the Cleveland Flats and asked me to come along. Always nice to go back "home" so i tagged along and ended up being part of the only "mens" match on the show (the two guys in the match are…