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Category: 365 Days


Day 1140 of 365 Again. You know I was thinking something when i took this picture. Really I was. I wanted to say something deep and meaningful and inquisitive. I closed my eyes for the shot on purpose. I think I was going for some kinda looking to the future thing? Or maybe serenity? Honestly,…


Day 1139 of 365 Again. Another day without real inspiration. Another macro shot. You know I’m actually kinda starting to like these. I’d do a whole 465 days of different macros of my body but I’d porbably get bored with that really quick. 365 days


Day 1138 of 365 Again. Remember when I was working on that Tarot Deck? Remember when I used to do lots of photoshoots? Yeah, me too. I haven’t been doing much of at all lately. In fact, I’ve been too busy and burnt out to even work on editing old stuff. I really need to…


Day 1137 of 365 Again. I continue to not be super creative so when that happens I continue to practice some of my older techniques. Today we’re going with macros from my P&S. No real story, just something I did right before I was going out with friends tonight. Any guesses as to what this…


Day 1136 of 365 Again. So Steph and I played tennis yesterday. it was actually the first time we’d played in a year. Which sucks, because we like playing but we’ve just both been very busy. I won, go me. But I’m suffering for it today. My knees, especially my left one which I screwed…


Day 1135 of 365 Again. The main reason I did this shot was that I wanted to do some practicing with the pen tools in photoshop and drawing and stuff. Like the photo says, when you run out of creativity, resort to parlour effects. At least its kinda a nifty one, right? Ok, maybe not.…


Day 1134 of 365 Again. I used to love drawing. As much as I’ve been slacking on my photography lately I don’t even want to think about how much I’ve slacked on drawing. I really need to get where I practice every day. Same with writing. Same with photography. I just don’t have enough hours…


Day 1133 of 365 Again. You know, I was fine yesterday. Woke up this morning with a massive pain in my hip which has pretty much been there all day. I have no idea why. I haven’t wrestled in a while. I didn’t trip and fall. I wasn’t in a car accident or anything like…


Day 1132 of 365 Again. Sometimes I don’t have real ideas. So I just go in my studio and start snapping stuff and somethinf comes to me. I kinda know that no one is going to care about this picture, but I for one love it. I don’t know why. I just think it’s quirky…


Day 1131 of 365 Again. I was telling someone recently about the beginnings of 365 and it got me all nostalgic for the good old days. It’s kinda weird. When the movement first started getting popular a lot of people wanted me to cap the group off at 100 members or 365 members. They felt…


Day 1129 of 365 Again. I cleaned today. Steph’s been away so I thought it’d be a good idea to surprise her with a clean house when she got back. That’s a big deal. I suck at cleaning. Like a lot. Really, I’m downright awful at it. But I buckled down. Mowed the lawn, winterized…


Day 1128 of 365 Again. I was being lazy today. I wasn’t planning on it, but I was busy all day. Steph is away on a two day bikeride thing so I spent the whole day cleaning. Once it started getting late, I realized I needed to take a picture of something, but was too…


Day 1127 of 365 Again. Another day, another studio visit. Met up with my potential partners to see yet another space that we might be able to rent for the new studio. Wasn’t as happy with this one. It was less of a blank canvas than the other. Certainly had a lot of character, but…


Day 1126 of 365 Again. Today was the Steeler’s season opener. I was all prepared to take a pic in my studio of me wearing my Steelers’ jersey and celebrating our win. But as it got closer to midnight it started looking bad. The game ran late, and we were tied. At the end of…