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Category: 365 Days


Day 1125 of 365 Again. If you’ve been paying attention lately you’d notice I’ve been kinda down. I’m working on it. Really, I promise I am . So what’s this? This is me looking to the future. Really, I’m doing the best I can. Wonder if it’ll be good enough. 365 days


Day 1124 of 365 Again. As I said the other day, I’ve been investigating potential studio spaces with other photographers. Saw one after work today that showed a lot more promise than the last place I saw. No parking to speak of, but much better sizewise and still in our price range.Probably the best we’ve…


Day 1123 of 365 Again. And so ends another working man’s holiday. Spent the day working on administrative stuff for the comic. Got very little accomplished sadly. But I did get the next several strips written. Hopefully Max will catch up tomorrow and I can get Thursday’s done in time. Oh well. At least I…


Day 1122 of 365 Again. I’ve mentioned before that I’m addicted to DVDs. It seems like that’s kind of a safe addiction. I could be addicted to alcohol or cocaine or heroin or something. But DVDs have a problem over drug addiction. SPACE. Dvds take it up. The more you buy the less room you…


Day 1121 of 365 Again. I’ve been working with some other photographers on setting up a new shared studio. We actually thought we had one that would have been perfect but that fell through about a week ago, so we’re back to the drawing board. One of the other photographers, Scott, and I went l…


Day 1120 of 365 Again. I hate traffic. I really do. I was supposed to have a wrestling show today. 70 miles from where I work. It should have taken me a little over an hour to get there. I even left work 15 min. early. This was over two hours later. I was still…


Day 1119 of 365 Again. So I’m trying to fight my way through the creative slump. I’m not saying this is the crown jewel of 365s but at least it’s trying more than I have the past couple days. Spent the evening not working on Hellcats. Not that I don’t have stuff I could be…


Day 1118 of 365 Again. You know what this is? This is my bill paying face. This is me realizing that most of the money I made last month is already gone the day after payday. This is why my soul is in pain. This is why I’m considering starting a life of crime. This…


Day 1117 of 365 Again. Tired and burned out and didn’t feel like taking a picture. I really need to get back on the inspiration kick. What do other people do when they’re burnt out. I used to be able to pull myself out after a few days, but I feel like I’ve been in…


Day 1116 of 365 Again. Another Monday, and I’m back at work. Was late today because apparently I ran something over and punctured a tire so I had to go to the shop to get that patched first. Spent a busy day at work, which much like any other day at work just saps all…


Day 1115 of 365 Again. So Steph finally came home from her week abroad. I told her I’d pick her up at the airport but she’d been gone so long that I was afraid that I might not be sure what she looked like. Luckilly I came up with a way to make sure we…


Day 1114 of 365 Again. Fell asleep last night watching a movie. Woke up this morning sore as hell. I have no idea why. Something is definitely wrong when you injure yourself sleeping. Through the rest of the day, it didn’t really get any better either. Slept in. Got up and used the hottub. Tried…


Day 1113 of 365 Again. I’m burned out. Downright exhausted in fact. I think I’ve just been thinking too much. No good can coem of that. So tonight I took it easy. Didn’t work on the comic. Didn’t work on photos. Didn’t think. I just sat back and played some Wii Bowling. Been a long…


Day 1112 of 365 Again. Meet the Sree’s. I love Indian Food. I was first introduced to it back in college way back in 1994 (wow I’m old) when a man named Sreevardhan Mekala (Mr. Sree) and his wife, Vydehi (Mrs. Sree) started a restaurant in town and began driving their van to my college…


Day 1111 of 365 Again. It kinda occurred to me recently that there aren’t any big milestones in year four. Day 1000 is in year three. Day 1500 is in year five. Day 1250 just doesn’t really seem all that impressive once you’ve been doing it this long. So I’ve decided that maybe I just…