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Category: 365 Days


Day 1110 of 365 Again. So way way way back Sarah and I went and were extras in a major Hollywood movie. We stole the show. See, I perform a very valuable role in Hollywood. You can always tell who the second female lead is because I’m standing to her left the first time she…


Day 1109 of 365 Again. So I’ve spent the last couple months addicting Morgan to photography. Today we went out to buy her her first backdrop (these kids, they grow up so fast) She still really really really needs some lights, but it’s a good start. Anyway, I needed to take a picture for today…


Day 1108 of 365 Again. The nice thing about being a prestigious doctor of psychology is that you get to fly all over the world attending conferences and stuff like that. The crappy thing about being engaged to a globetrotting psychologist is that I don’t get to go with her. Dropped Steph off at the…


Day 1107 of 365 Again. Jameel bought a DSLR and I invited him over to learn a few things about studio lighting. Maybe I should teach this stuff. Who wants to pay me lots of monies to show them how to do stuff. Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Sigh… 365 days


Day 1106 of 365 Again. Rough week and I need a break. Sometimes you just want to come home, grab a beer and jump in the hottub. Luckily, at my house that’s totally possible. Sometimes my life doesn’t totally suck. Not often. But sometimes. 365 days


Day 1105 of 365 Again. Long long long long long day. I woke up at 4am in Raleigh and went to the airport to catch my rescheduled flight home. Got home showered and went to work. Worked til almost 4 and then left early because I figured I needed a nap. On the way home,…


Day 1104 of 365 Again. So you fly to North Carolina on business, go to a meeting and go back to the airport to fly home. You know what you don’t want to hear? "Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, we appear to be leaking a large amount of oil out of one of our engines. We’re…


Day 1103 of 365 Again. I like science. Well, I don’t care much for the useful kind, but give me a good formula to calculate how hot a woman is or let me analyze vulgar names for genitalia and I’m all kinds of happy. So Morgan was telling me earlier that she was watching a…


Day 1102 of 365 Again. Lately I’ve been posting "wistful career change decisions" to my Twitter account. Just little flights of fancy that it occurs to me I might like to do for the rest of my life. Tonight I had one that I think i’d be cut out for. I think I want to…


Day 1101 of 365 Again. Five days in to the new set and I’m already defaulting to backup pictures. Sad. So very very sad. Sometimes I don’t know where the weekends go. I got a lot done this weekend. Both with the comic and with photography stuff for zivity. I got my fantasy football draft…


Day 1100 of 365 Again. I love pinball. I used to even have my own machine, but was forced to sell it years ago. I’d do anything to have one again. Anyway, I don’t play as often as I used to, but I went out today to play in the pinball world championships, PAPA. (C…


Day 1099 of 365 Again. I think I’m mostly over my flu. Mostly. I don’t really feel sick anymore, and I’m no longer sneezing, but I do have a crapton of phlegm in my lungs and I have a killer headache, probably from coughing non-stop for the past 4 days. But I’m getting better…. and…


Day 1098 of 365 Again. Busy busy photography day. Got one set submitted to zivity, almost finished with another set to submit to them tomorrow, did a little editing on the Steph and Morgan photos that I took last weekend. Did an interview for a magazine, took my 365. Sometimes I feel like this is…


Day 1097 of 365 Again. I didn’t really end last year big and I’m not really starting this year big. I just kind of had other stuff to worry about today. Today was Steph’s birthday, and I had been sick, but I was determined to get over it so I could take her out, and…


Day 1096 of 365 Again. Today was the last day of my third year of 365. The previous two years I wrote big long retrospectives about what was on my mind. This year I forgot until almost 10 o’clock. I got quoted about the project in an Orlando newspaper this week and the reporter mentioned…