Day 1365 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. The new Iron Man movie is out. I can’t NOT see that. Steph was nice enough to go with me. 365 days
Day 1364 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Trix always helps me clean my studio. She’s obbsessive about it, really. So when she had to clean her apartment for her parents visiting, I felt I had to help out. Not my strong suit, but hey, I chipped in. 365 days
Day 1363 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Nothing makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something with your comic like going into the comic store and seeing it sitting on the shelf. Yep. I wrote that. 365 days
Day 1362 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. The roses in our garden are starting to bloom. It’s so hard to believe that a couple months ago my yard was under four feet of snow. 365 days
Day 1361 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Ok, I waited WAY too long to mow the lawn. WAAAAAY too long. This is gonna take a while. 365 days
Day 1360 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Ok, I’m now starting to feel the pain of working out every day. I don’t regret it. But wow am I getting sore. 365 days
Day 1358 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Still doing P90X and loving it. Definitely a good workout. Bought some bands to use for it. I have weights, but in a lot of ways these are more versatile. Well, they’re nice to have in any case. Look at those muscles. 365…
Day 1352 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. I thought it’d be cute to actually do a photocomic in memorium of Pittsburgh Comicon since Max and I brought some of the models with us. Sadly I was in a rush and I didn’t focus correctly. Ah well, I still thought it…
Day 1357 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Bad mood. Blah. I’ll be better tomorrow, I’m sure. (funny writing stuff like this when I’m catching up. I don’t even remember why I was bummed). 365 days
Day 1356 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Ok, P90X is extreme for a reason. I’m not even in awful shape. Not the best of my life, but not awful. Today was the first day. Ab Ripper X fucking sucks. Made me throw up. But I feel great. 365 days
Day 1354 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. And after going crazy for the last couple months trying to get everything ready for comicon I just needed to rest today. 365 days
Day 1353 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. And that is all! Pittsburgh Comicon is over. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Hellcats booth this year. 365 days
Day 1351 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. The first day of Pittsburgh Comicon is always kind of a bust. For some reason it always starts on a Friday and there really isn’t anyone there, so everyone just kind of chills out and relaxes. I did meet Wolverine though. We got…